Voices is a professional ensemble, founded by William Weinert, and described by City Paper as "a sonic cloudburst." At the end of the holiday season this year, Voices convened in Asbury First United Methodist Church for a concert of psalm settings, including Handel's Dixit Dominus (Psalm 110). Rayvon Moore, a DMA candidate in conducting at the Eastman School of Music, led the proceedings. In addition to his studies at the Eastman, Mr. Moore is also the Director of Music at Western Presbyterian Church and a professional singer who has sung with the Rolling Stones, Barry Manilow, and Kathleen Battle, just to name a few.
Handel was 22 when he finished Dixit Dominus. He was living in Italy at the time, and it is his earliest surviving autograph. Although Handel had seen great successes with his operas in Florence and Venice, operatic performances were banned in the Papal States, so Handel used his considerable talents to create sacred works. It is likely that Dixit Dominus was written at the behest of one the powerful Cardinals. Although there is no record of its premiere, the acclaim it has received over the centuries speaks for Handel's artistry. Carl Pultz of Alembic Productions, who records many of our Performance Rochester concerts, sent a note with this CD, simply saying, "Dixit Dominus is pretty amazing." It is, indeed.
Director of Music at Western Presbyterian Church. Director of Music at Western Presbyterian Church.