11/6 The World at War: Unsung Heroes They fought the war - not behind the lines but behind the scenes. The people that supported the troops. Including The Imitation Game, Wind Talkers, Dunkirk, and Good Morning, Vietnam.
11/13 Symphony Synergy Favorite movies are energizing symphonies by engaging new audiences with live to projection. Including Superman, Lord of the Rings, E.T., and Skyfall. Plus, an exclusive interview with Amy Anderson creator, producer and conductor of Women Warriors: The Voices of Change, a live-to-picture symphony production featuring the music of eight celebrated female composers synched to a silent 70-minute documentary film.
11/20 Thanksgiving Show Featuring The Score's first Guest Host TBA
11/27 By the Book Great books that became great movies, including Dune (2021), Crazy Rich Asians, Dr. Zhivago, Last of the Mohicans, and more.