3/7 The “Spanish” Julian Bream English guitarist and lutenist Julian Bream devoted much of his energy to the Spanish repertory. On this week’s program, we celebrate the Spanish guitar – and lute – of Julian Bream.
3/14 Classical Quixote Works by Roberto Gerhard and Gerardo Gombau complement Manuel de Falla’s complete one-act opera El Retablo de Maese Pedro (Master Peter’s Puppet Show)
3/21 Dancing in Barcelona You won’t find flamenco on this week’s program of waltzes, sardanas, mazurkas, and more by a variety of Catalan composers, some very well known -- Enrique Granados, Federico Mompou, and others well known mainly in Spain -- Zamacóis, Morera, and Blancafort.
3/28 Argentina’s Alberto Ginastera Works by Alberto Ginastera, self-described “man of Latin America” and one of South America’s most important composers of the twentieth century.