12/2 Rhiannon Giddens and Michael Abels: Omar (LA Opera)
Omar -- James McCorkle
Fatima, Omar’s Mother -- Amanda Lynn Bottoms
Johnson/Owen -- Daniel Okulitch
Julie -- Jacqueline Echols
Auctioneer/Taylor -- Barry Banks`
Eliza, Owen’s Daughter -- Deepa Johnny
Katie Ellen -- Briana Hunter
Abdul, Omar’s Brother -- Norman Garrett
Abe -- Alan Williams
Amadou -- Ashley Faatoalia`
Olufemi -- Cedric Berry
Suleiman -- Patrick Blackwell
Principal Dancer -- Jermaine McGhee
The Pulitzer committee hailed Omar as "an innovative and compelling opera about enslaved people brought to North America from Muslim countries, a musical work that respectfully represents African as well as African American traditions, expanding the language of the operatic form while conveying the humanity of those condemned to bondage."