NOTE: The opera on 9/7 will air from 3:30-7:00 pm due to the live Clothesline Festival remote broadcast (1:00-3:00p)
9/7 Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin (in Russian)
Onegin: Mariusz Kwiecie?
Tatyana: Ana María Martínez
Lensky: Charles Castronovo
Olga: Alisa Kolosova
Gremin: Dmitry Belosselskiy
Mme. Larina: Katharine Goeldner
Filipyevna: Jill Grove
9/14 Berlioz: Les Troyens (in French)
Cassandre: Christine Goerke
Didon: Susan Graham
Énée: Brandon Jovanovich
Chorèbe Lucas Meachem
Narbal: Christian Van Horn
Anna: Okka von der Damerau