8/2 National Friendship Day We’ll feature music by some Baroque era friends, including George Frederic Handel, Georg Philip Telemann, Johann Sebastian Bach and Georg Bohm. You’ll also travel to Scotland for jolly and upbeat music, with highlights including George Frederic Handel‘s Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, an energetic fanfare, and a chipper flute concerto.
8/9 Twins Day Festival Every year on the first full weekend in August, the town of Twinsburg, Ohio throws its Twins Day Festival. Even though you can’t be there in person, Sunday Baroque will celebrate twins, including performances by identical twin guitar playing brothers and twin piano-playing sisters.
8/16 Spain’s baroque era instrumentalists and composers Santiago de Murcia was a terrific Spanish guitarist in the 18th century, and even French composers such as Francois Couperin named one section of his chamber music collection THE NATIONS after Spain. Sunday Baroque is taking a whirlwind Spanish tour.
8/23 Chiara Margarita Cozzolani was a 17th century Italian musician who took vows as a Benedictine nun at the age of 18. She continued her musical activities until she became the Abbess at her convent in Milan. As you might guess, Chiara Margarita Cozzolani composed sacred music and Sunday Baroque’s highlights include one of her psalm settings.
8/30 Anna Bon was an 18th century Venetian woman -- she was still a teenager when she became 'chamber music virtuosa' in the court of Frederick the Great of Prussia. At about the same time she also published her first set of compositions – six flute sonatas that she dedicated to her musically inclined royal patron. Sunday Baroque’s highlights include a recent recording of them.