¡Fiesta! host Elbio Barilari explores What's New with Latin American composers living in the U.S. on the 9/10 broadcast.
9/3 Five Centuries of Latin American Music Elbio introduces us to five hundred years of Latin American orchestral music, from the Baroque period composer, Domenico Zipoli to the present day Arturo Marquez. Enjoy this one hour fiesta of sounds from Cuba, Paraguay, Uruguay and Mexico.
9/10 What’s New? Latin American Composers in the US Fiesta shares recent works by Latino composers living in the US. Featured will be Miguel del Águila and Gabriela Lena Frank.
9/17 Spanish and Latin American Harpsichord with special guest David Schrader One of the leading harpsichord players in the world, Maestro David Schrader will share with us his amazing knowledge of Spanish and Latin American music for the harpsichord as well as his smart sense of humor.
9/24 Chamber Tango Since the 1950’s a segment of the tango music from Argentina and Uruguay has been evolving into the chamber music genre. Fiesta will feature some examples of this lively new tradition.