12/5 Sephardic Music in both sides of the Atlantic The songs of the Sephardic Jewish community from Spain that the Spanish monarchy banished from their country along with the Muslims, survives along the Mediterranean coasts as well as in Latin America. Fiesta explores this valuable tradition of exile, longing, and intolerance.
12/12 A Mexican Concert Fiesta’s Mexican concert starts with an overture by Spanish Mexican composer Rodolfo Halffter, and continues with a lively piece by a Mexican living composer Hebert Vázquez. We will revisit the work of the 19th-century genius Ricardo Castro and end the program with Carlos Chávez’s Romantic Symphony conducted by the composer himself.
12/19 Latin American Concerto This imaginary concert starts with Catalan composer Josep Fàbrega from the 18th century, continues with a Mexican Romantic composer Ricardo Castro from the 19th century, and ends with a 20th-century symphonic poem from the Argentinian Carlos López Buchardo.
12/26 Classical Christmas in Latin America As a priest and a professional composer working for the church, José Maurício Nunes Garcia wrote several pieces celebrating Christmas. And in this program, Fiesta celebrates the season with a brand-new recording of his monumental mass entitled “Missa de Nossa Senhora da Conceição”. It is a great example of the early Classical style developed on this side of the Atlantic during the transition between the 18th and 19th centuries.