Madrigalia is well known to Classical 91.5 listeners. They've appeared on Backstage Pass, and the group's "A Cup of Good Cheer" has been a tradition for years on Live from Hochstein. In fact, Madrigalia has been serenading Rochester (and beyond) for over four decades, with no sign of slowing down.
This is the first of two appearances Madrigalia makes on Performance Rochester, with selections from their holiday concerts on December 7-9, 2018. This suite of three songs begins with "This Winter's Night" by Madrigalia Music Director Cary Ratcliff, followed by "O Oriens" by British composer Cecilia McDowall and Josef Rheinberger's "Anima Nostra."
Madrigalia is composed of 18 highly skilled vocalists from the Rochester area. Known for its beauty of sound and artistic excellence, the ensemble presents unique and challenging programs of choral music built around intriguing themes. Their music draws from all times and places, spanning the riches of classic choral styles, the vast range of compelling music being written in our time, and the intriguing musical expressions of cultures throughout the world.
Listen to Cary Ratcliff's This Winter's Night.