Specializing in and performing works written for four hands and four feet at one pipe organ console, Elizabeth and Raymond Chenault have made a monumental…
Pipedreams begins the month with uplifting works to raise the spirit. Sunday 4/4 @ 8pm. 4/4 Easter Music Uplifting and engaging compositions for organs…
Just one of the organs we'll hear on the March 14th broadcast as we celebrate J.S. Bach. This is the organ at St. Martin Church, Zaltbommel,…
Host Michael Barone reflects on 2020 with a summary of the year, and turns the page to 2021 with a fresh look at new year.1/3 An Organist's Yearbook The…
In this edition of HomeStage, we'll visit a different kind of home. Peter DuBois is the director of music and organist at Third Presbyterian Church in...
Women’s Equality Day commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting the right to vote to women. Pipedreams host Michael…
Women’s Equality Day commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting the right to vote to women. Pipedreams host Michael…
Host Michael Barone shares two programs of archival concert performances of Virtuous Virtuosos (7/12 & 7/19) during this time of isolation.7/5 The…
Host Michael Barone explores the pages of black notes symbolic of Max Reger's music, as he looks at Five not so easy pieces in the June 14th broadcast.6/7…
The magnificent Hazel Wright Memorial Organ, one of the largest in the world, was inaugurated into the Crystal Cathedral in May 1982. The organ was named…