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Daily Joy and Blanket Fort Shows with "From the Top"


NPR Music producers are dealing challenges that, thanks to technology, can be addressed in creative ways.  Here is what the producers of NPR's From the Top are planning for upcoming months.

"From the Top is not planning any additional show repeats. Instead we’re producing what we’re calling “Blanket Fort Shows” (shows that can be produced while you're stuck at home). We’ve sent sophisticated recording equipment to our young performers, and they will be recording themselves under the video tutelage of our engineering staff and musical director; our host is synching in their accompaniment. These shows will overtly reference the health crisis.

We’ll be producing a “Where Are They Now” episode featuring new music and interviews with some of our most adventurous alumni and we’ll be making a new Highlights Program.

Finally, we had just completed an intensive tour when the health crisis began and so we have new live shows in production that will also be part of our feed. We hope to continue our live shows in July."

They are also sharing music online with "Daily Joy" - you can see these by following From the Top on Facebooksigning up for their email list, or by checking out their YouTube channel.

Here's one of them from a couple days ago - Guitarist Gwenyth Aggeleer and her singing dog.